Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Great Minds Think Alike

A grateful mind is a great mind, which eventually attracts to itself great things.”  -Plato

What have you been thinking lately? Is your focus on fear or faith; complaining or gratitude? We can’t think two opposing thoughts at the same time, so when we consciously choose to focus on the gifts of the situation or person, outcomes become more favorable.

A great mind does not allow the good opinion of others or its darker side, to counteract the Truth that lies within. Wisdom, Authenticity, Love, and Creativity are the hallmarks of this great mind from which Compassion, Honesty, Humility, and Grace reside. Living from this mindset we allow ourselves the opportunity to receive everything needed to manifest our deepest desires as like attracts like. From here, we can graciously rest in the idea that “Great Minds” really do think alike!

The blessings of air conditioning

Summer’s hot and there’s nothing better than crisp, cold, air conditioning (okay, besides water/pool/lake/ocean and maybe ice cream). Regardless, if you live in a humid region or experience dry, desert heat, summertime is much nicer with a continual blast of cool air. Fans only blow the heat around and don’t provide much difference. Swamp coolers only work in dry heat since they add moisture to the air somewhat like misters. If you want moisture sucked out of the air and to be kept cool, then central air conditioning is for YOU!
I think this is one of the best inventions ever created and am so grateful to be enjoying it right now! How about you?

Beloved Pets

I am so blessed to have a new Chihuahua puppy in my life. She has reminded me of the importance of being on a schedule and helped me get to bed and up earlier. Her cute face, loving eyes, and adorable floppy ears, just light up my world in ways I can’t even describe. She provides me with lots of opportunities to practice patience and forgiveness. When I look at her, I see the beauty and magnificence of God. The intricacies in her small frame are like those of an infant. Such perfection. Such goodness. Such Grace.

Whatever kind of pet you have, they calm the nerves and rejuvenate our senses giving us a break from the “world” long enough to remember what truly matters… the moments. Pets are great teachers for living in the moment through playing, enjoying quality time with their master, and self-care. They eat when their hungry, drink when their thirsty, and sleep or nap when their tired. They also express their emotions fully and completely. (Imagine if we did this!) Most of all, pets trust us to provide what they cannot; a safe place to live, medical care, exercise, and food. In exchange they add years to our lives by their unconditional love and loyalty for us. They forgive us for our mistakes immediately and don’t harbor grudges. They even entertain us with tricks as well as a few surprises every now and again. All of this lowers our blood pressure, motivates us to be healthier people, and empowers us to live from the inside out (like they do).

I am so thankful and grateful for my new baby/puppy girl. She is undoubtedly a gift from God and one that I shall treasure always.


Today was a great day! I just love spending time with family and friends. Summer is a fabulous time to enjoy the sunshine and lay out by the pool or ocean. In Arizona, summer can be a bit of a challenge due to the excessive desert climate, so we do things a bit different down here; swim in the evening. Twilight swimming occurs after 5pm and can extend well into the night since we have light till almost 8pm. The freedom of enjoying the water without worries of sun damage to my skin, is intoxicating. Like a dolphin swimming in the big, wide, ocean, I dove in and splashed through the water. There’s nothing quite like swimming at this part of the day; unencumbered and fresh.

What a blessing, water is.

Welcome to Gratitude 365!

This blog is a daily reminder of all the many reasons we have to be grateful.  As our world goes through immense changes and challenges, I choose to focus on the positive and relish in all that works, knowing that everything else is already in the process of healing or correcting itself.  Amidst our darkest hour, there is always something to be grateful for.

This blog is an offshoot of a book I am creating on this very subject. I am using it as my personal gratitude journal that I want to share with the world, and in turn hope to spark others to do the same.  Feel free to comment on what you’re grateful for or just respond to what I have written. You never know what may get published!

I look forward to this journey of discovery as we unearth 365 reasons to be grateful together!