Posts Tagged ‘water’

Honoring 11-11-11

  Today is November 11th, 2011; it is a special day of Peace & Unity as well as Remembrance since it is also Veterans Day. We are blessed to have such a wonderful planet to call home that is abundant with fresh oxygen from billions of trees, as well as clean water to drink and provide climate stability. I am grateful for the sun that grows my food and for keeps me warm; regulating the atmosphere and protecting us from harm. We must be the change we wish to see in the world; by living in Peace and coming from a place of Unity Consciousness. We are all One human race. We share this planet we call home. Thank you to those who have fought and continue to fight for freedom. Now it is time to lay down your guns in exchange for peace. The fight is over. Freedom has won; we see this all through the world as oppressed nations rise against tyranny and claim democracy. It is good.  It is done.


  Light a candle to remember and signify peace. Say a prayer of thanksgiving or simply be still. Mother, Father, God, I am so thankful and grateful for peace, freedom, health, abundance, prosperity and most of all Love. I am so blessed to live in a world of balance, hope and harmony. Earth, air, fire and water remind me of all the elements that encompass human life. I am abundantly and richly blessed.  Our leaders are aligned with Infinite Wisdom and Intelligence; Love and Unity. The sick are now healed. The poor rich. The oppressed free. We are all One. Amen.

God’s Country… Nature!

Just beautiful! Settings like these remind me of the divine perfection within our creator. They call me to take a closer look and insight dreams of simplicity. Nature is the ultimate healer as well as instigator of hope, creativity, gratitude, and relaxation. Her tree’s provide shade and shelter while their fruit sustenance.  Streams and rivers feed into lakes and oceans that have a sound all unto their own that is both soothing and rejuvenating while being the life blood for the rest of the landscape and all that lives on/in it. Her soil is a rich and fertile womb for plants, insects, and animals.

Everything comes from mother nature; wood, fish, meat, medicine, vegetables, fruit, paper, electricity, sun, fire, and the very air we breathe. She purifies our carbon footprint while providing recreation and inspiration for generations of species.

I am so thankful, appreciative, and grateful for all of mother nature’s gifts. I relish in her beauty as well as resiliency; always forgiving man’s transgressions. The absolute intelligence of her design is an unmistakably brilliant work of art that must be respected.

Nature is the macrocosm of Eden’s paradise, where peace and harmony thrive effortlessly. It is under God’s grace that we are allowed to enjoy this bountiful garden. However, as stewards of this Earth, responsible use and care are essential in maintaining her abundance. Are your habits of consumption and attitudes helping or hurting her? Are these patterns similar to your relationships with others? I implore you to dig deep and ground yourself in her wisdom for answers that will sustain us all and allow healing to begin.


Reverend Lisa

The blessings of air conditioning

Summer’s hot and there’s nothing better than crisp, cold, air conditioning (okay, besides water/pool/lake/ocean and maybe ice cream). Regardless, if you live in a humid region or experience dry, desert heat, summertime is much nicer with a continual blast of cool air. Fans only blow the heat around and don’t provide much difference. Swamp coolers only work in dry heat since they add moisture to the air somewhat like misters. If you want moisture sucked out of the air and to be kept cool, then central air conditioning is for YOU!
I think this is one of the best inventions ever created and am so grateful to be enjoying it right now! How about you?


Today was a great day! I just love spending time with family and friends. Summer is a fabulous time to enjoy the sunshine and lay out by the pool or ocean. In Arizona, summer can be a bit of a challenge due to the excessive desert climate, so we do things a bit different down here; swim in the evening. Twilight swimming occurs after 5pm and can extend well into the night since we have light till almost 8pm. The freedom of enjoying the water without worries of sun damage to my skin, is intoxicating. Like a dolphin swimming in the big, wide, ocean, I dove in and splashed through the water. There’s nothing quite like swimming at this part of the day; unencumbered and fresh.

What a blessing, water is.