Archive for November 23rd, 2010

Thank You!

How could two little words mean so much yet be so simple? I think it’s the message behind them that counts because it convey’s deep appreciation, gratitude and love that acknowledges both parties involved. While this little phrase may seem overused, the practice of it never goes out of style because we all crave recognition for our good deeds in some way. There is nothing wrong with desiring validation for a job well done; however, the challenge comes when we seek this from outside sources (people, work, etc) because then we are giving others power over us and this is can be disastrous to our self-esteem in many ways.

Looking for praise from other people is a set up for resentment. This affects our attitude and behavior, teetering on the side of manipulation sometimes in order to gain approval from others. What if we could acknowledge ourselves? When was the last time you praised yourself? Often we focus on others to avoid looking at ourselves; even when its about acknowledging something positive within ourselves. Can you relate? Why is this?

To counteract this negative habit, I’ve instituted the practice of listing my accomplishments daily in a journal. This single activity forces me to look at all the things that I complete, do well, and achieve. Writing this out stares my monkey mind squarely in the face, and defies the illogical crazies. Try it today and say Thank You to yourself !